Is The Flat Glass Liquid Or Solid?

Publish Time: 2018-06-01     Origin: Site

The flat glass is shaped and hard, and it has solid properties.But the strange thing is that the atoms are arranged in the same way that the liquid is disordered.

As is known to all, solid has a fixed shape but liquid hasn’t.Besides, some solids have very tightly organized atomic structures, atoms are arranged regularly and periodically, and this regular ordered structure is relatively stable.By contrast, the atoms in a liquid are disordered, clumped together in irregular patterns and constantly changing their positions.

Flat glass is solid and solid.But the strange thing is that the atoms are arranged in the same way that the liquid is disordered.That is to say,sheet glass looks more like a solid on the surface, but the atoms inside are arranged more like a liquid.

Some experts believe that the nature of the solid material, according to the characteristics of microstructure can be roughly divided into two categories: type of atoms, or arrange orderly particles, like the parade square, namely crystalline solid;The other kind of atoms or particles are disordered, like the crowds of people on the street, amorphous solids.Flat glass is a typical amorphous solid.

"Flat glass is actually a liquid that atoms move very slowly," wang weihua, an academician at the institute of physics of the Chinese academy of sciences, told sciencedaily on August 15.The atoms of the liquid move constantly, but the atoms in the glass move very slowly, 20 to 30 orders of magnitude slower than the atoms in the ordinary liquid.To illustrate the general in the liquid velocity of atomic motion and the velocity of atomic motion of a huge gap in float glass, Wang Weihua made an image of the parable: "the atoms in the general fluid moving faster than a rocket, and the speed of movement in the glass that is slower than a snail.

Is flat glass a solid or a liquid?The article also points out that, from some perspective of the molecular dynamics and thermodynamics, flat glass can be regarded as a high viscosity liquids, amorphous solid, or another state is not a liquid or a solid.