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What is Float Glass Sheets?

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-03-29      Origin: Site

1. The Definition of Float Sheet Glass

In the tin bath, the glass floats on the surface of the tin liquid. Therefore, this kind of glass is with perfect flat and has no ripples.

2. The advantages of Float Glass Sheets

(1) For the better flat surface, the Float Flat Sheet Glass is widely used for mirrors, automotive glass. It is one of its great advantages that it does not make a face or shape.

(2) With good raw materials and Ore quartz sand used for Float Glass. The glass produced is pure and transparent. Bright and colorless. No glass bottles, bubbles.

(3) The structure is compact, heavy, and the hand feels smooth. The same thickness is more important than the flat plate per square meter, which is easy to cut and hard to damage.

3. Production Process of Flat Float Glass

The forming process of Float Glass Production is performed in a tin bath that is vented to protective gases (N2 and H2). The molten glass continuously flows from the tank kiln and floats on the surface of the relatively dense tin liquid. Under the action of gravity and surface tension, the glass liquid spreads on the surface of the tin liquid, flattened, forms the upper and lower surfaces, flattens, hardens, and cools. After being introduced on the transition roller table. The roller of the roller table rotates and pulls the glass ribbon out of the tin bath into the annealing kiln. After annealing and cutting, a flat glass product is obtained. Compared with other forming methods, the advantages of float method are: Suitable for high-efficiency production of flat glass, without struts, uniform thickness, flat upper and lower surfaces, parallel to each other; the scale of the production line is not limited by the forming method, the energy per unit product Low consumption; High product utilization rate; Easy scientific management and full-line mechanization, automation, high labor productivity; Continuous operation cycle can be as long as several years, is conducive to stable production; can provide suitable conditions for online production of some new varieties, such as Electric Float Glass, Annealing Coated Glass, cold end surface treatment, etc.